Traffic encryption using mTLS


Transport authentication, also known as service-to-service authentication ensures that traffic is encrypted on transit between services.

How it works

Istio security architecture

Mutual TLS can be enabled on 3 levels:

  • Service: Enable mTLS for a subset of services. It can be a service on the edge that communicate with the external world and need an encrypted communication.
  • Namespace: Enable mTLS for a specific namespace. Services within the namespace will have mTLS installed and communicate using TLS.
  • Mesh: Enable mTLS for the entire mesh network.

mTLS in practice

Let’s ensure the scenario that we want that all microservices forming the hipster app should communicate securely.

The mTLS is is handled by the following Istio Resources:



DestinationRule: defines policies that apply to traffic intended for a service after routing has occurred.

TLS connection mode:

DISABLEDo not setup a TLS connection to the upstream endpoint.
SIMPLEOriginate a TLS connection to the upstream endpoint.
MUTUALSecure connections to the upstream using mutual TLS by presenting client certificates for authentication.
ISTIO_MUTUALSecure connections to the upstream using mutual TLS by presenting client certificates for authentication. Compared to Mutual mode, this mode uses certificates generated automatically by Istio for mTLS authentication.

We need to define a Policy and a DestinationRule as following:


apiVersion: ""
kind: "Policy"
  name: "default"
  namespace: "hipster-app"
  - mtls:
      mode: STRICT


apiVersion: ""
kind: "DestinationRule"
  name: "default"
  namespace: "hipster-app"
  host: "*.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local"
      mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL

Note.: The first created rule should be called default.

  1. Enable mTLS for the hipster-app namespace:

    kubectl apply -f $WORKSHOP_HOME/istio-workshop-labs/hipster-app-mtls.yaml
  2. Apply a `DestinationRuleq

    kubectl apply -f $WORKSHOP_HOME/istio-workshop-labs/hipster-app-destinationrule.yaml

Requests can not be received on the edge because of the mutual TLS STRICT mode: service communication should be only using TLS:

add screenshot

Let’s change it to PERMISSIVE and apply the configuration:

Hipster app mtls permissive

Pods are now accepting both secure and insure connections. The connection is secured between frontend and the backend services but using http between ingressgateway and frontend (PERMISSIVE mode when TLS is not possible).

In order to be able to access the application in the a secure mode, we need to configure the ingress gateway to handle to TLS certificate.

Check TLS:

Apply STRICT mode:

istioctl exp auth check frontend-dff555579-wcq58
Checked 2/45 listeners with node IP
LISTENER             CERTIFICATE                   mTLS (MODE)      JWT (ISSUERS)     RBAC (RULES)      /etc/certs/cert-chain.pem     yes (STRICT)     no (none)         no (none)     none                          no (none)        no (none)         no (none)

Checked 54/61 outbound clusters.
HOST:PORT                                     CERTIFICATE     VALIDATE PEER CERTIFICATE
kubernetes.default:443                        none            none
adservice.hipster-app:9555                    none            none
cartservice.hipster-app:7070                  none            none
checkoutservice.hipster-app:5050              none            none
currencyservice.hipster-app:7000              none            none
emailservice.hipster-app:5000                 none            none
frontend.hipster-app:80                       none            none
frontend-external.hipster-app:80              none            none
paymentservice.hipster-app:50051              none            none
productcatalogservice.hipster-app:3550        none            none
recommendationservice.hipster-app:8080        none            none
redis-cart.hipster-app:6379                   none            none

Apply PERMISSIVE mode:

kubectl apply -f $WORKSHOP_HOME/istio-workshop-labs/hipster-app-mtls.yaml configured
istioctl exp auth check frontend-dff555579-wcq58

Checked 2/45 listeners with node IP
LISTENER               CERTIFICATE                   mTLS (MODE)          JWT (ISSUERS)     RBAC (RULES)[0]     /etc/certs/cert-chain.pem     yes (PERMISSIVE)     no (none)         no (none)[1]     none                          no (PERMISSIVE)      no (none)         no (none)       none                          no (none)            no (none)         no (none)

Checked 54/61 outbound clusters.
HOST:PORT                                     CERTIFICATE     VALIDATE PEER CERTIFICATE
kubernetes.default:443                        none            none
adservice.hipster-app:9555                    none            none
cartservice.hipster-app:7070                  none            none