Debugging with Istio

  1. check proxy status:

    istioctl proxy-status
    istioctl proxy-status
    NAME                                                   CDS        LDS        EDS        RDS          PILOT                            VERSION
    adservice-5968df5578-cvvst.hipster-app                 SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    cartservice-dd676648f-qh79z.hipster-app                SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    checkoutservice-568f8c99f8-d7sxx.hipster-app           SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    currencyservice-55fddd9499-qbcwb.hipster-app           SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    emailservice-764954c58d-4rvb2.hipster-app              SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww.hipster-app                  SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    frontend-v0.1.3-564b57645-848j7.hipster-app            SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    istio-egressgateway-6f4569d68f-nt6wq.istio-system      SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     NOT SENT     istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    istio-ingressgateway-5d95d4cc88-9x77h.istio-system     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    paymentservice-d76df5c58-7zzlc.hipster-app             SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    productcatalogservice-6bbbf99d6d-9fp8p.hipster-app     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    recommendationservice-59b76d69d6-dlbvp.hipster-app     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    redis-cart-58f6b79c49-4qtvw.hipster-app                SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
    shippingservice-6c6c84d8f8-ls4nt.hipster-app           SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED     SYNCED       istio-pilot-586dc5646c-gfjsn     1.3.1
  2. Check list of service handled by the proxy for a pod:

    istioctl proxy-config clusters POD-ID
    istioctl proxy-config clusters frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww
    SERVICE FQDN                                              PORT      SUBSET         DIRECTION     TYPE
    BlackHoleCluster                                          -         -              -             STATIC
    InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4                             -         -              -             ORIGINAL_DST
    PassthroughCluster                                        -         -              -             ORIGINAL_DST
    adservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                   9555      -              outbound      EDS
    calico-typha.kube-system.svc.cluster.local                5473      -              outbound      EDS
    cartservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                 7070      -              outbound      EDS
    checkoutservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local             5050      -              outbound      EDS
    currencyservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local             7000      -              outbound      EDS
    default-http-backend.kube-system.svc.cluster.local        80        -              outbound      EDS
    emailservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                5000      -              outbound      EDS
    frontend.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                    80        -              outbound      EDS
    frontend.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                    80        http           inbound       STATIC
    frontend.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                    80        v1             outbound      EDS
    frontend.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local                    80        v2             outbound      EDS
    grafana.istio-system.svc.cluster.local                    3000      -              outbound      EDS
    heapster.kube-system.svc.cluster.local                    80        -              outbound      EDS
    istio-citadel.istio-system.svc.cluster.local              8060      -              outbound      EDS
    istio-citadel.istio-system.svc.cluster.local              15014     -              outbound      EDS

Type of configuration:

1.Check list of listeners handled by the proxy for a pod:

istioctl proxy-config listeners POD-ID
istioctl proxy-config listeners frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww
ADDRESS         PORT      TYPE      8080      HTTP      15020     TCP     15443     TCP      15030     TCP      31400     TCP      15011     TCP       443       TCP        443       TCP      15031     TCP       6379      TCP      443       TCP      15029     TCP      15032     TCP      15443     TCP       53        TCP     443       TCP      443       TCP      15020     TCP         15010     TCP         5000      TCP
  1. Open envoy proxy admin console:

    kubectl port-forward POD-ID 15000
    kubectl port-forward frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww 15000

Then hit:

  1. check a pod configuration:

    istioctl x describe pod pod-id
    istioctl x describe pod frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww
    Pod: frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww
    Pod Ports: 8080 (server), 15090 (istio-proxy)
    Service: frontend
    Port: http 8080/HTTP
    DestinationRule: frontend-destination-rule for "frontend"
    Matching subsets: v1
      (Non-matching subsets v2)
    No Traffic Policy
    Pilot reports that pod is PERMISSIVE (enforces HTTP/mTLS) and clients speak HTTP
    VirtualService: frontend-split
    Weight 50%
  2. Check TLS status:

    istioctl authn tls-check  pod-id
    istioctl authn tls-check frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww
    HOST:PORT                                                       STATUS     SERVER        CLIENT     AUTHN POLICY                                 DESTINATION RULE
    adservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local:9555                    OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    calico-typha.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:5473                 OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    cartservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local:7070                  OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    checkoutservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local:5050              OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    currencyservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local:7000              OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    default-http-backend.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:80           OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    emailservice.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local:5000                 OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    frontend.hipster-app.svc.cluster.local:80                       OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     frontend-destination-rule/hipster-app
    grafana.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:3000                     OK         HTTP          HTTP       grafana-ports-mtls-disabled/istio-system     -
    heapster.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:80                       OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    istio-citadel.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:8060               OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    istio-citadel.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:15014              OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/                                     -
    istio-egressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:80           OK         HTTP/mTLS     HTTP       default/       
  3. Get proxy logs:

    kubectl logs po POD-ID -c istio-proxy
    kubectl logs po frontend-86568f6d79-6xqww -c istio-proxy